E-commerce is referred to transactions that are mainly done online on electronic means, It is the act of buying and selling using electronics only
E-commerce helps helps businesses to reach wider audience outside the business location.
There are four(4) main types of e-commerce namely.
These is an ecommerce transactions is between business to business.
These is between consumer to consumer.
That's business to consumer.
Benefits of e-commerce.
Cost efficiency
Cost efficiency
No need for customers to visit a business location to buy products or services since it can be done through electronic means.
Customers does not need to visit your physical shop to make payments or buy what they want.
Customer freedom
People who buy products and services on e-commerce websites have the freedom to browse through your online shop for what they really need.
No need for customers to feel embarrassed for asking details of your products and services because they are doing it from the comfort of their homes.
Build and design professional e-commerce websites within minutes on any device.
Build an eye-catching e-commerce website for your business or brand without hassle.
Get started
Features on e-commerce website .
An e-commerce website can help you understand your business and its performance.
An e-commerce website can help you understand your business and its performance.
Understand your audience with e-commerce website analytics .
Know where your clients and customers are coming from,
find what topics/products that interest your website visitors with an e-commerce website.
With an e-commerce website your business visitors are allowed to browse their favorite Brands and products freely.
E-commerce helps your business visitors to make personal choices on your website.
Eg. an e-commerce website helps your business visitors to choose their own favorite payment options.
You can build an e-commerce in Ghana.
Add more to your business with an affordable ecommerce website for any business you do in ghana.
Build an e-commerce website for your company, music, cosmetics, restaurant etc.
Add momo payment for clients to pay directly into your momo wallet without contacting you.
Receive contactless payment on your website using your momo wallet, no need for clients to contact you for payment.
Let customers write receipts and sign and make payments into your momo wallet without talking to you.
How to get an e-commerce website.
To get an e-commerce website is Free and you can start building your own at any time and anywhere on any device of your choice.
Even with or without coding skills and experiences everyone else can build a professional eye-catching e-commerce website without a cost.
Sign up today for free, answer few questions from AI and launch your online store here 👇
Create your own
With expert and professional skills you can order for an e-commerce website from an expert without a cost.